Initial Analysis: Site Study
Every serious Energy Diagnosis begins with an in-depth analysis of the uses of energy in the organization’s sites, whether they are an industrial shed, a building, a plant. At th
e same time, a study of the practices in use is carried out in order to build the basis for all assessments. From her
e, with the creation of performance indicators, the relationships between the energy consumed and the product/service realized will be defined.
Detailed analysis: Evaluating all possibilities Starts
With the assessments and indicators created in the initial phase to move on to the development phase. This phase involves an analysis of potentials, the choice of a procurement strategy, the configuration of an energy-efficient environment and the evaluation of possible solutions.
A follow-up to the detailed analysis, among the possible solutions identified, TèKHNE, in agreement with the customer, establishes the one that best meets the needs and expected results by proposing the best financial formula for the realization of the investment.
Realization: TèKHNE and its partners for the implementation of efficiency projects
After the proposition/decision phase, TèKHNE, together with its partners, carries out the executive project, works for the release of any administrative permissions and, in agreement with the Customer, plans the implementation strategies and manages the project by planning and supervising its practical implementation
Evaluating results
From the initial concept, to the implementation of the measurement system for evaluating results, TèKHNE supports customers throughout the process. All objectives are defined with a view to economic and environmental sustainability: reduced costs, lower polluting emissions and safe use of available resources. With extreme flexibility, TèKHNE offers a service aimed at achieving specific energy efficiency and cost-saving goals.
The objectives at a glance:
- Financial goals: Life cycle analysis (LCA), return on investment (ROI), advanced analysis of cash flows and investment financial indicators
- Energy and efficiency: reducing consumption, reducing emissions, making better use of available resources
- Providing customers with useful indicators in important decisions
- Improve business process organization
- Improving image by conveying sensitivity to environmental issues
At what time of day are there peak consumption and what are they due to?

our goal is to realize, measure and verify the energy efficiency project.